Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jeremy Says it is Negative Room Temperature Today

It is currently -9 degrees Fahrenheit here. -9 degrees, and that is one of the warmer temperatures we've had today. I used to work for a man who, when it would get really cold outside, would say "Now it's just rude out there". I think though, that we have passed rude, we passed rude a ways back. I don't know what is worse than rude, but that's what is happening right now. Worse than rude. And it's only going to get worse, the news said that they are expecting it to be or feel like -20. It is actually warmer in Antarctica than in Colorado right now, that doesn't happen very often.

It's supposed to be even colder tomorrow, but I'm going to brave the arctic temperatures to head over to Stash tomorrow for the Pillowcase & Anatomy of a Sock classes. There are still a few spaces left for both classes, please call the store at 303-660-YARN to register.

The upside is that it's too cold to go outside, so I've gotten a lot of work done the last few days. As you know We have been working to bump up our inventory for the upcoming craft fair season. We've applied to the Horseshoe Craft and Flea Market again this season. The application deadline isn't until the 14th, so we won't know the outcome for a few weeks, please keep your fingers crossed! There's another *HUGE* event we've applied for last week, but I'm nervous about it and a little bit afraid that talking about it will jinx it, so again, fingers crossed.

I haven't finished any personal project this week, it's been all about the Siouxsiequeue's inventory, blog, Facebook page, and newsletter. I did start a new embroidery project and I'm teaching myself to crochet Granny Squares, because clearly there wasn't enough to do over the weekend.

I hope that you all manage to stay warm, avoid frost bite, and have a fantastic week!


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