Monday, May 16, 2011

5 Days and Counting...

We've got 5 days before Craftstravaganza kicks off the 2011 season! I'm really glad we're back for a second season, and I'm really looking forward to this first show. We have some really amazing vendors, like Lexisworks, who is bringing stunning original works of art, art prints and handmade greeting cards to the Craftstravaganza stage.
Art has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Growing up my mom was always coming up with new art projects for us to complete at home. This translated into a degree in Graphic Design when I attended college. Since then, I have traveled abroad, working in a cupcake shop in London, and visiting Scotland, Amsterdam, Paris, Italy and Spain. I currently live in Denver, CO.
I love to surround myself with items that inspire me. My studio has become a storehouse for scraps of paper I could not bear to part with-there might be a use for them in a future collage or design project. I have an obsession with collecting anything made of paper or covered in typography that catches my eye. My right brain’s creativity is balanced by my left brain’s attention to detail, desire for organization and ability to produce work for deadlines. Above all, I take pride in a job well done, and enjoy finding creative solutions to problems.


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